
So I haven't updated my news page in AGES, and there's been a lot done...

There were so many issues with my old website host, and business has been good, so I decided to go to a paid host. There shouldn't be anymore issues with downtime, or issues period

Because of the huge amount of stuff I have to keep track of when maintaining my website, there have been a lot of very noticeable differences between the Default and Cyan pages, but everything should now be the same

Now that the technical gobbley-gook is out of the way, here's some content changes:

My About Me page has been updated with a correction and an additional couple of tidbits

Pricing...LOTS of updates. I had an iPad Air repair which made me realize just how much work is involved in an iPad screen replacement, so the prices have been adjusted to a point where the amount of work I put in feels worth it

Projects...I was SWAMPED with a sudden influx of repair requests and I totally lost track of what devices I was repairing and who I was repairing them for, so I've gotten that (almost) up to date, and to help me out, I've put a very faint indicator of who the repair was for.

Reviews...I'll be honest, the reviews page is a little disheartening with its emptiness..I've added a few, but only a fraction of the people I've done repairs for have left a review. It's not required, but I really appreciate it, and it lets other people know how well I do

News & Updates...Well, you see...

Request a Service...I streamlined the process a little bit and made the contact form look so much better and uniform


- Chris
